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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

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Khalda - Wasfi Al Tal Street, Amman, Jordan



Sand & Water Blasting


Sand & Water blasing are of the fasstest most efficient ways for a deep clean for many surfaces, and to go with such method saves a lot of time and effort, were it offer high levels of clean. hight pressured water and sand are not only used for regular cleaning, its used as well to smooth surfaces of remove paint of rust, especially on areas and edges that are hard to reach by hand.

Like the name suggests, the compressors compress water to desired level which is controlled
by the operator and injects different sizes of tiny particles of sand which are then projected to
the targeted area were millions of those particles hit the surface polishing that surface one
nanometer at a time the sand-water blasting mix is not only environmentally friend, it also
differs from the sand only blasting that will infect nearby areas with a mini sand storm putting
people who have allergies in danger, and you to a health hazard violation.

Sand-water blasting and water blasting are great application to a number of things including
the cleaning of buildings facade, and here are some:

– removing a graffiti.
– Removing rust.
– Paint prepetration.
– Cleaning garage entrances.
– Removing oils and grease stains.
– Removing Paint.